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The Town of Esto supports and complies with the State of Florida’s “Government in the Sunshine” laws, designed to provide transparency and openness in government operations. The Florida law regarding public records may be found in its entirety in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.

“Public records” means all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, films, sound recordings, data processing software, or other material, regardless of the physical form, characteristics, or means of transmission, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency.

Individuals are not required to identify themselves or make a request for public records in any particular format, nor give a reason for such request. A requestor can make a public records request to the Town of Esto in any of the following methods:

  • Online: To request a public record using the town website, please fill out the Public Records Request form.
  • E-mail: To request a public record via email, please send an email message to [email protected].
  • Mail: To request a public record by mail, please send the request to: Town of Esto, Town Clerk, Attention: Public Records Request, 3312 2nd Avenue South, Bonifay, FL 32425.
  • Telephone: To request a public record via telephone, please contact the Town Clerk at 850-263-6521.
  • In-Person: To request a public record in person, please visit the Esto Town Hall, located at 3312 2nd Avenue South, Bonifay, FL 32425.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cost for public records?

Florida law authorizes municipalities to recoup their costs of providing public records. If the public record request requires more than fifteen (15) minutes of employee time (including the time to gather, copy, scan and/or print the requested documents, or redact information exempted by Florida Statutes, if necessary), the requester will be charged for that time at the lowest hourly rate of the class of employee(s) involved. For physical copies of requested documents, there will be a charge of $.15 per page for one-sided copies ($.20 per page for two-sided copies). If the Town anticipates that there will be a significant cost to provide the requested public record, the Town will provide an estimated cost for the public records. The requester must acknowledge the estimated costs and authorize the Town to proceed before document production will begin. Once the request is complete, the requestor must pay the Town before the documents will be provided.

What are some ways that I can streamline the public records request process?

There are some things that you can consider when you make a public records request that can decrease the response time and reduce production costs.

  • A significant amount of information is available on the Town’s website.
  • Be specific; avoid overly broad requests.
  • Provide dates ranges of requested public records, especially on emails and correspondence.
How long does it take to receive the requested public records?

The Town Clerk responds to public records requests as quickly as possible. However, requests for a large number of documents, or requests that require significant staff time may result in a longer response time. The volume of public record requests may also slow the response time.

What if I have a question about the public records request process?

The Town Clerk is responsible for coordinating the public records requests.

What records are exempt?

Some records are considered exempt and/or confidential under Florida law and therefore, not subject to disclosure in response to a public records request. Information about records that are exempt from the Public Records Act can be found within Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.