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Town of Esto, Florida
December 03, 2018
A. The Town of Esto, in accordance with DEO policy and applicable components of Rule 73C-23, F.A.C., 2 CFR 200 and Section 287.055, F.S. “Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act” is requesting proposals from qualified engineering firms to provide engineering construction inspection services relative to the Town’s proposed FFY 2017 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Neighborhood Revitalization project.
B. The project will consist of the construction of replacement water lines along Highway 79 from John Clark Road to 3rd Avenue South; refurbishment of elevated and pressurized water tanks; and upgrade to wells number two and three to benefit Low to Moderate Income families. Estimated budget for the CDBG-funded project is $600,000 which will include construction, engineering, and administration. Since the project will be a Neighborhood Revitalization type project, include all experience previous with the proposed construction activities. Interested firms are encouraged to review the pending CDBG application document available at Town Hall during normal business hours for a more detailed description of the proposed project.
A. The engineering firm selected shall be required to provide professional technical and engineering services whose level and scope will be determined by the Town of Esto. Specific engineering services required shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Close coordination with the CDBG Grant Administrator who will be under contract to the Town to administer the grant and who will be overseeing the project also.
2. Planning, designing, and developing construction plans and specifications including any required Preliminary Engineering Reports and Environmental Reviews required by the State of Florida.
3. Providing legal descriptions for any required easements or real property acquisition,
4. Preparation and submittal of applications to obtain necessary permits,
5. Preparing bid documents,
6. Soliciting and evaluating construction bids,
7. Providing construction supervision and resident inspection,
8. Approving contractors’ pay requests,
9. Conducting final inspection of all construction,
10. Recommending acceptance by the Town of Esto,
11. Providing “as-built” drawings following project completion.
1. Proposers are advised that the capacity to initiate and coordinate all engineering services in a timely and efficient manner is a significant factor. The offerer chosen must be prepared to commence engineering services immediately.
2. Proposers who cannot meet this project schedule will be automatically eliminated from further consideration.
1. The Town of Esto intends to negotiate a firm fixed fee contract or “cost not to exceed” type contract for the final design and construction inspection services requested.
2. All proposers’ qualifications will be evaluated and the most qualified engineering firm selected, subject to the negotiation of fair and reasonable compensation.
A. The engineering firm selected shall be required to assume responsibility for all services offered by the firm’s proposal regardless of whether they are produced “in-house” or performed under a joint or subcontractual arrangement.
B. Such firm will be the sole point of contact with regard to this project.
A. All proposals must be submitted in writing by 11:00 A.M. on December 03, 2018, to receive consideration. Proposers mailing their proposals should allow normal delivery time to ensure receipt of their proposals by the Town of Esto. Proposals should be addressed to: Teresa Harrison, Mayor, Town of Esto, 3312 2nd Avenue South, Esto, Florida 32425 or hand-delivered to Town Hall, at the address noted prior above prior to the submission deadline.
B. All proposals must be sealed and clearly marked on the outside “FFY 2017 CDBG Project Engineering Proposal”, with the proposer’s name and address. Proposals should be submitted in an original and seven copies.
C. Questions concerning the “RFP” should be directed to Ms. Yvonee Hagans, Town Clerk @ (850) 263-6521. Proposers not selected will be promptly notified.
A. All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the instructions outlined herein to receive consideration. Any proposer submitting inadequate, incorrect, or incomplete information may not receive consideration. Proposals should be brief and to the point. The Town of Esto reserves the right to waive irregularities in the proposal and reject any and all proposals and to request additional information from proposers if deemed necessary.
B. Letter of Transmittal: The proposer shall submit a “Letter of Transmittal” which shall as a minimum contain the following:
1. State the location of the office from which the work is to be accomplished.
2. Describe the firm’s general qualifications and the range of activities performed by the firm.
3. Identify all persons to be assigned to this project and outline the nature of their responsibilities. Include a description of relevant work experience for each person assigned to this project.
4. Briefly state the proposer’s familiarity with the needs and conditions that exist in the Town of Esto and in reference to the proposed project.
5. Certify that the firm can and will comply, where applicable, with all rules and regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida Department of Transportation, and the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO). Provide any additional information that the proposer feels is essential to their proposal.
6. Indicate if your firm is a Certified Minority Business Enterprise.
7. State that the person signing the letter is authorized to bind the proposer.
C. All proposals shall include each of the following attachments:
1. Attachment A: Indicate why the proposer feels uniquely qualified to undertake the required professional engineering services.
2. Attachment B: Describe the technical approach to be taken in addressing the proposed scope of work, including a delineation of specific tasks to be undertaken.
3. Attachment C: Describe the work management plan to be utilized by the proposer. The description should include a project schedule showing estimated start and completion dates of all major tasks and individuals responsible for implementation and completion of said tasks.
4. Attachment D: Identify the proposer’s prior work experience with the CDBG and similar programs. List each project separately to include jurisdiction name, type of project, and grant amount.
5. Attachment E: Identify the proposer’s prior work experience with water system construction in the State of Florida. List name, address and phone numbers of project references.
6. Attachment F: It is the intent of the Town of Esto to evaluate the qualifications of all proposers and select the offerer whose proposal is deemed most advantageous to the Town (The criteria under which each proposal will be evaluated is attached to this RFP). Under this attachment, the proposer shall certify that they will negotiate a fair and reasonable fee within the Rural Development fee schedule as adopted by DEO for evaluating engineering fee reasonableness. Further, the proposer shall certify that to the best of their knowledge and belief all the information submitted for consideration and evaluation is true, correct, and accurate.
1. Ability to design an approach and work plan to meet the project requirements. 15
2. Ability to devote the needed time to the project based on current workload. 15
3. Ability to commence services and complete services within time parameters. 8
4. Ability to observe and advise whether plans and specifications are being
complied with. 10
5. Experience of the firm in other similar Federally Funded Projects 15
6. Availability of adequate personnel and technology. 10
7. Firm’s reputation and competence including technical education, training,
timeliness, cost control and quality of work. 10
8. Experience in the kind of project to be undertaken. 15
9. Certified Minority Firm. 2