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Author: Esto Web Admin

Engineering, Planning and Grant Services RFQ

Town of Esto

Engineering, Planning and Grant Services RFQ



The Town of Esto is currently requesting letters of Interest and Statement of Qualifications from registered, qualified professional consultant firms in the State of Florida with experience in Engineering Design, Grant Writing/Administration and Planning Services.  It is the intent of the Town of Esto to select and negotiate Annual Agreements with a firm to perform these services for the various Town of Esto projects.  Projects will include FEMA Mitigation projects, FDOT SCOP grant projects, Water Management District Grant, potential Legislative Appropriations and other agency grant projects.

The Annual contract resulting from RFQ will have all necessary clauses and language required by the federal government and other applicable agencies.  The selected firms shall serve as the Town of Esto Consultant(s) for assigned projects.  Listed below is pertinent information regarding this RFQ:


RFQ number: 2017 ENG 01


Due Date:      Monday, December 4, 2017, 2:00 p.m.(CST)

Esto Town Hall

3312 Second Avenue South

Esto, FL 32425


Questions regarding these documents must be directed to the Town Clerk.  Questions must be submitted in writing and may be emailed to [email protected] or call 850-263-6521.


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Water Rates

Notice to the Customers of the Esto Water Works, Town of Esto.

The Esto Town Council has implemented the amended water utility rate structure, effective November 1, 2017. Said rate will insure financial stability of the Esto Water Works and promote environmental conservation of the water resources within the natural aquifer.

Rate LimitsInside Town LimitsOutside Town Limits
0 - 2,000 gallons32.15 base rate$35.70 base rate
2,001-5,000 gallons$7.55 per 1,000 gallons$8.38 per 1,000 gallons
5,001-8,000 gallons$7.74 per 1,000 gallons$8.80 per 1,000 gallons
8,001-12,000 gallons$8.33 per 1,000 gallons$9.24 per 1,000 gallons
Over 12,001 gallons$8.76 per 1,000 gallons$9.72 per 1,000 gallons